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Pioneer Courthouse Square is proud to announce the extension of Polka Dot Downtown through June 2021.  The installation’s socially distant polka dots will continue to host artist’s performances at the Square and, in partnership with Portland Mall Management, Inc., throughout the central transit mall. Polka Dots performances will also continue to be hosted at the Square, along Portland’s Transit Mall and at other partner locations and iconic cultural institutions throughout the Downtown core.  

These upcoming ‘pop-up’ performances will continue to be shared virtually on the Square’s Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as well as at Community members can view past performances from Polka Dots located at iconic cultural institutions like Oregon Historical Society, the Portland Art Museum, Keller Auditorium and, of course, Pioneer Courthouse Square at  

Highlights from the more than 200 artist performances that occurred on the dots throughout 2020 can be found here.  If you are interested in performing in Polka Dot Downtown email for more information.